Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Pincher Bug

You are in a season of change where it is time to leave the past in the past and move forward into your destiny.

God knows who is supposed to move forward into your destiny with you.  You want people around you who encourage you, who support you and who have your best interest at heart.

So, why the picture of the pincher bug?

Recently, I asked God to show me the heart of a friend, and He showed me this person as a pincher bug.  Pincher bugs are relatively harmless, but they do bite and their bites can be somewhat painful.

In this new season, you need to be surrounded by people who love you and support you, not people that "bite" you.

God was warning me that person was not someone who should be a part of my destiny anymore.  They had selfish motives, no remorse for their actions, and even tried to manipulate my walk with the Lord for their own personal gain.  People that try to destroy your destiny are not you friends.

When this happens to you, the first step to take is forgive them, then release them.  Lastly, keep walking forward for you will meet the people God has already chosen to walk with you, the ones who respect you and genuinely desire to see you fulfill your destiny.

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