A lot of of times people think to themselves, "God, do you know where I am? Do you see my circumstances?"
Be assured that God knows exactly where you are. He orchestrated your steps so that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this very moment. God is making sure we will be in the right place at the right time having promotion and having favor.
As long as we listen to His leading, we cannot get lost. There are times when we are in a dry place, a desert situation thinking we made a wrong turn when actually God led us into that desert. Jesus was sent to a desert place by God in order to be tested so He would be seasoned and prepared for what was coming next.
So, do not fear that you are lost; you are exactly where you are supposed to be this week. Do not step out in haste on your own. Wait for God to lead you to the next place. Check out Isaiah 55:11-13 to see why.